…on Empathy

October 29, 2023

LEAD your TEAM with Empathy


Welcome to the second installment of an eight-part series designed for first-line supervisors. In this leadership exploration, we delve into the LEAD TEAM acronym, focusing on Loyalty, Empathy, Adaptability, Decisiveness, Trust, Efficiency, Accountability, and Motivation. Building on the foundation laid in the introductory blog post, “…on Leading,” where we defined leadership as “The application of a set of skills or competencies that enable the leader to garner the necessary respect from their subordinates and exercise a given authority to guide the subordinates toward an objective.”

Empathy: A Crucial Dimension of Leadership

In our initial exploration of Loyalty, we emphasized its reciprocal nature, a concept integral to leadership effectiveness. Now, we shift our focus to empathy, a competency that holds the power to profoundly shape leadership dynamics. Merriam-Webster defines empathy as “the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another.” This dimension of leadership has proven to be challenging yet undeniably essential.

A Personal Struggle with Empathy

As we navigate through the LEAD TEAM competencies, empathy emerges as a personal struggle for many leaders. Acknowledging this, I have had a revelation about my difficulties with empathy and have actively sought to address it with the assistance of a therapist. Of the eight competencies that I’m discussing in this series, empathy has been the one that I have personally struggled with the most; I have a lack of it and struggle to understand it.

Beyond a Show: Genuine Empathy

Empathy transcends mere display; it demands authenticity. Drawing parallels with the loyalty discussed earlier, empathy is a multi-faceted competency requiring consideration for subordinates, supervisors, the organization, peers, and oneself. Leaders must do their best to avoid the pitfalls of ego-driven actions, such as micromanagement, weekend emails, and petty criticizims that have a profound impact on employee performance.

Understanding Empathy’s Dimensions

The exploration of empathy unfolds in layers, beginning with a focus on subordinates. Leaders are encouraged to move beyond superficial expressions of empathy, delving into the intricate fabric of their team’s experiences. Understanding stems from knowledge; knowing where subordinates come from, their interests, and their worldview. Transparency emerges as a powerful tool to foster connections and leaders are encouraged to share their vulnerabilities to enhance mutual understanding.

Empathy for Supervisors and Organizations

Understanding and empathizing with your supervisor can pose significant challenges. There have been times in my life when I struggled to respect or be loyal to my supervisor, making it difficult to feel empathy for them. On the flip side, there were occasions when I deeply respected and understood my boss, illustrating the fluid nature of these professional relationships.

In my current position, I actively work to empathize with my supervisor, acknowledging the specific hurdles they encounter. Before taking on their current role, my supervisor’s background was mainly in education, with no prior experience overseeing individuals outside the realm of a schoolteacher. This dynamic can be frustrating for those of us with extensive supervisory experience.

Through these experiences, I’ve observed a pattern: individuals with limited management experience often default to an authoritarian “because I said so” approach when faced with resistance from subordinates. It’s not a matter of ill intent but rather a lack of familiarity with the intricacies of providing purpose, direction, and motivation. In this context, my empathy arises from the understanding that my supervisor, without any fault of their own, lacks the comprehensive knowledge, skills, and abilities crucial for effective leadership. Recognizing this reality becomes a bridge between frustration and understanding, creating an environment where empathy can flourish.

Empathy for the organization extends beyond understanding individuals to encompass an awareness of the organization’s history, successes, and failures. By integrating the organization into one’s identity and encouraging subordinates to do the same, leaders create a sense of ownership, pride, and organizational sensitivity that mirrors empathy.

Building Empathy with Peers

Peers are your professional counterparts, sharing your level on the military or corporate ladder. They face similar challenges at work. Connecting with peers through shared experiences and attentive listening fosters understanding and sensitivity. Empathy among peers is essential; they become valuable sources of advice and support. Encouraging empathy among subordinates towards their peers strengthens collaboration, acknowledging that everyone is fighting the same collective battle and relies on mutual support for success.

“Be, Know, Do”: A Leadership Competency Matrix

In Army Field Manual 6-22’s “Developing Leaders,” the “Be, Know, and Do” competency matrix outlines key aspects of effective leadership. “Be” focuses on your character and leadership presence. “Know” encompasses intellectual and emotional intelligence, emphasizing self-awareness for personal growth. Lastly, “Do” prompts reflection on your actions as a leader and their impact on creating a positive environment and achieving organizational goals. This matrix serves as a guide, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and empathy in directing leadership actions.

Empathy as a Catalyst for Positive Leadership

In conclusion, empathy will be a cornerstone in defeating negativity and building trust as leaders pursue team and organizational goals. By developing understanding, awareness, and sensitivity across all dimensions — subordinates, supervisors, the organization, peers, and oneself, leaders can harness the power of empathy to navigate challenges and foster a positive, collaborative work environment.

Closing Thoughts

As we progress through the LEAD your TEAM series, your engagement is invaluable. If you’ve found this exploration resonant, consider liking and sharing through the provided social media outlets on this website. Together, let’s unravel the intricacies of leadership and inspire excellence in the journey ahead.



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