…on Decisiveness

February 25, 2024

LEAD your TEAM with Decisiveness


In my earlier blog post titled, “…on Leading,” I introduced a leadership concept that I’ve named, “LEAD your TEAM,” and I defined leadership as, “The application of a set of skills or competencies that enable the leader to garner the necessary respect from their subordinates and exercise a given authority to guide the subordinates toward an objective.”

In the following blog titled, “…on Loyalty,” I focused on the importance of earning loyalty from your subordinates, supervisors, and peers. Positioned as the foundational competency in LEAD TEAM, loyalty is the binding force that sustains a leader’s influence. “…on Empathy,” expressed the importance of a leader to understand the needs of and to be aware of others’ feelings. “…on Adaptability,” discussed the sometimes overwhelming nature of expectations from both our supervisors and subordinates and how important it is to remain flexible and adaptive to situations we aren’t prepared for.

Today we’ll unravel the influence decision making has on leadership and highlight some of the core principles that drive effective decisions. Decisive leaders seize opportunities and guide their teams toward success by promoting an environment that values loyalty, empathy, and adaptability.

Defining Decisiveness:

Decisiveness is the ability to make quick and effective decisions, even in the face of uncertainty or ambiguity. It is a trait that sets successful leaders apart from the rest. Being a decisive leader is crucial in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving corporate and government landscape. Decisiveness is a fundamental quality that distinguishes effective leaders from their less effective indecisive colleagues. Decisive leaders inspire trust and confidence among their teams. Effective decision-making requires a balance between speed and careful consideration.

Developing Decisiveness as a Leadership Trait:

The idea of making quick decisions sounds scary to some. Following a decision-making process will take some of the burden and uncertainty away from making sound and timely decisions. An example of a decision-making process such as: gather all the information, weigh the pros and cons, make a decision. Some decisions are going to be more complex than others with varying degrees of consequences. Be mindful of your decisions but don’t allow your forward momentum to lag.

  • Gather the Information: Thoroughly research and gather relevant information before making a decision. Seek insights from diverse perspectives and subject matter experts to ensure a well-informed choice. From the information and expert input, assemble a few options of choices to make.
  • Weigh the Pros and Cons of Each Option: Evaluate the potential outcomes and consequences of each decision. Consider both the short-term and long-term implications, weighing the benefits and risks associated with each choice.
  • Make a Decision and Stick to It: Once you have gathered the necessary information and weighed the options, make a decision. Trust your judgment and commit to the chosen course of action. Avoid second-guessing unless you discover new information that affects the outcome of your decision. While decisiveness is vital, leaders must also be flexible. If new information emerges or circumstances change, be open to revisiting and adjusting your decisions accordingly.

Practice making decisions. Like any skill, decision-making requires practice. Embrace opportunities to make big and small decisions and reflect on the outcomes. Learn from each experience to refine and strengthen your decision-making abilities.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are an inevitable part of the decision-making process. Embrace them as valuable learning opportunities, promoting a growth mindset that propels you forward. Analyze the factors that led to the mistake and use that knowledge to improve future decisions.

Being a Decisive Leader:

Decisiveness is a vital leadership competency. When faced with challenges or obstacles, a decisive leader will quickly assess the situation, gather relevant information, weigh the options, and act. A decisive leader values action and takes responsibility for the outcomes, which promotes a culture of accomplishment and ownership.

A decisive leader understands the importance of making sound and timely decisions, even when the decision may not be popular with the team. They gather relevant data, weigh the pros and cons, and swiftly communicate their verdict despite potential disagreements or disappointments. The leader’s quickness prevents prolonged uncertainty and enables the team to continue moving forward with clarity and purpose. By making a swift decision the leader minimizes the negative impacts of indecisiveness and maintains momentum. They understand that hesitation can result in missed opportunities or hinder progress.

Just as important as making timely decisions is transparent communication within the team. By being transparent in their communications, leaders can garner support, inspire confidence, and facilitate seamless collaboration.

Decisive leaders understand the importance of follow-through; a decision without execution is useless. Leaders must possess the determination, resilience, and commitment to see their choices through to fruition and overcome obstacles that get in the way.

Decisive leaders do not make choices based on personal biases; they uphold the principles of fairness and objectivity. Leaders must possess a sense of justice to make impartial decisions, even if it means overlooking personal relationships. By advocating equality, leaders cultivate an environment where every team member feels valued. Fair decisions build trust and create a harmonious workplace.

In Conclusion:

Decisiveness is an essential trait for effective leadership. It enables leaders to navigate uncertainties confidently while inspiring trust among their teams. By being decisive, leaders can drive progress, solve problems efficiently, and create an atmosphere of accountability within their organizations.

In a world of constant change and inevitable challenges, decisiveness is not just a desirable trait; it is a fundamental quality that sets exceptional leaders apart from the rest. A confident leader exudes self-assurance, inspiring trust in their team. This assurance emanates from a deep understanding of their strengths and limitations, allowing them to make decisions without succumbing to doubt. Setbacks will occur. Leaders must reflect on their decisions, learn from the outcomes, and adapt their approach to demonstrate resilience and achieve long-term success.

You can find other works by Dave Hollis at Medium.



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