…on Trust

June 19, 2024

LEAD your TEAM with Trust


In previous blogs, I discussed the four competencies that I believe are important for a leader to have. Those four competencies complete the first half of the LEAD your TEAM concept: Loyalty, Empathy, Adaptability, and Decisiveness.

In this blog, we’ll begin discussing the second half of LEAD your TEAM – Trust, Efficiency, Accountability, and Morale. Trust is fragile. It’s easy to attain, very easy to lose, and nearly impossible to regain once that trust has been lost. I have found trust easier to maintain in professional settings than in my personal life. Through my own mistakes, I have learned the fragility of trust in a relationship and now fully understand the importance of honesty and transparency.

One of the fundamental roles of a leader is to inspire and empower others. However, without trust, this becomes an insurmountable task. Trust creates an environment of mutual respect and support. When team members feel valued, heard, and appreciated they inherently trust their leader. This trust cultivates a sense of belonging and loyalty, driving individuals to work hard to achieve collective goals.

Building Trust Through Loyalty

Building trust through loyalty involves consistent and reliable actions over time. You must demonstrate your loyalty which will develop into trust. Your loyalty to your subordinates shows a commitment to maintaining relationships even during challenging times. When leaders prioritize loyalty, they exhibit dependability and integrity which is reassuring to the team. As people feel confident that their interests are valued and protected, the ongoing reliability creates a strong foundation of trust.

Over time, continued loyalty will create a positive cycle of trust that nurtures loyalty and vice versa. Building trust will start with your own transparency. Set the example to your subordinates by sharing information openly and frequently and keep them updated on what’s happening. Suppose your subordinates don’t have a clear understanding of what is happening within the organization. In that case, they have no reason to believe that you do and their confidence in your leadership abilities will begin to crumble.

Trusting one’s leaders means having the belief in their integrity, reliability, and competence. Leaders who prioritize transparency by being honest and forthcoming about decisions, challenges, and goals, show that they trust their team members. This transparency builds credibility and demonstrates that the leader has the best interests of the team at heart.

Building Trust Through Empathy

As a leader, building trust through empathy strengthens relationships and enhances team performance. By having empathy, leaders show their subordinates that they understand and relate to their emotions, experiences, and perspectives. By actively listening and showing genuine concern for their well-being, leaders can create an environment where individuals feel valued and understood.

Empathy is acknowledging and validating the feelings of team members. When someone expresses their concerns or struggles, empathetic leaders demonstrate understanding and offer support without judgment. This helps to strengthen the bond between leader and subordinate and builds a sense of psychological safety where individuals feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas openly.

Empathetic leaders who invest time and effort in getting to know their team members, understand better their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Armed with that knowledge and understanding, leaders can tailor their approach to coaching, mentoring, and delegating tasks to each team member which will ultimately lead to greater success and satisfaction within the team.

Building trust through empathy involves actively listening and understanding others’ perspectives. When we genuinely consider peoples’ feelings and experiences, we create a foundation of mutual respect and compassion. This requires open communication, validation of emotions, and consistent supportive actions. Trust grows when people feel heard and understood.

Building Trust Through Adaptability

A leader builds trust by being adaptable in their responsiveness to change. This adaptability demonstrates to subordinates that the leader is open to new ideas and solutions. By adjusting strategies in response to feedback rather than rigidly adhering to outdated plans, the leader can show commitment to the team’s success. Ultimately, a flexible leader instills confidence in their team, by showing the team that they are willing to navigate uncertainties together.

A confident leader encourages risk-taking and experimentation. With that, individuals feel supported and empowered to challenge the status quo and come up with creative ways to conquer obstacles. This fuels creativity and drives innovation, enabling organizations to thrive in dynamic environments.

Building Trust Through Decisiveness

Building trust as a decisive leader involves making clear, well-informed decisions and standing by them. This consistency demonstrates reliability, showing your subordinates they can depend on your judgment. Decisiveness reduces uncertainty, creating a stable environment where employees feel secure and valued. By communicating decisions transparently and explaining the rationale, leaders further build credibility. By being open to feedback the leader reinforces trust and shows a balance of confidence and humility. Ultimately, a decisive leader who acts with integrity and clarity inspires trust and loyalty.

In a culture of certainty, individuals feel empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their work, knowing that their contributions are valued and respected. This creates a sense of pride and purpose, driving employee engagement and satisfaction.

In Conclusion

As a leader, earning trust is not merely a desirable trait; it’s an imperative. Without the confidence of your team, your vision remains stagnant, your directives fall on deaf ears, and your influence wanes. Trust is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Leaders who prioritize honesty are able to more effectively collaborate, fuel innovation, and ensure enduring success within their teams. The return on investment in earning your subordinates’ trust is efficiency, accountability, and morale.

Make sure you read Dave’s first book, Damn Hooligans. You can purchase it in digital, soft cover or hard cover at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.



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